A six-week voluntary program teaching students how to use mindfulness based strategies to decrease stress levels.

During these six weeks, students can expect to:
  • Gather with like-minded peers who are focused on living well.
  • Learn how stress impacts the mind and body.
  • Understand the theory of mindfulness and the science behind its effectiveness.
  • Find a safe space to be supported and held accountable to practicing mindfulness-based self-care.

This pilot program will launch in spring of 2020. It will be led by Student Wellness and Support Coordinator, Alissa Vreeland. 

Alissa is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). Alissa is excited to support students on their wellness journeys and hopes to create a campus culture at Lafayette where students are mindful of their total health, proactive about seeking out resources to grow and flourish, and invested in their happiness.